California Coast University
Take Your Time... Oops, that'll cost ya!

Education & Science

About ten years ago I signed up at California Coast University, as a single parent, trying to finish my education. The ONLY reason I chose CCU above other schools was that they said I could complete my education "at my own pace." There was absolutley nothing requiring a certain number of courses to be finished in a certain amount of time then (as they are claiming now) or that one maintain any particular gpa or any other requirements like that. They marketed themselves as being accomodating to working people.

My gpa averaged around 3.8. I did the work properly, and paid them in full, ahead of schedule. I did classes for about 2-2 1/2 years.

Then, as my children got older I had to take more jobs. I started working three jobs (1 full-time; 1 half-time and 1 half-day on the weekend) and was cooking for the family at home, keeping the home clean and decent, attending all my kids' games, and parent-teacher confs. Etc. (i.E. Being a good mom). Because I couldn't do it all I quit doing my school work for a time.

A couple years later, and on several occasions following, I contacted CCU asking to continue my studies. They ignored me. Finally two years ago, I contacted them yet again. This time I got a response saying I could pay them $2,000 and re-start. (Remember, I had paid ahead, in full).

To make the longer story shorter, every time I've contacted them since then, they've raised the price, claiming this, that, and something else reason why I should pay more to finish my degree. Last time we communicated, they had it up to over $6,000. Claiming that I hadn't met the requirements of doing two courses per year—which was not a requirement at the time of, or on, my contract.

Since I paid in full at the then-going rate, they are not losing money—they've been making interest on my money all this time—by my coming back now. I can't afford an attorney to sue them, but maybe I can save someone else such a loss.

Oh, AND when I enrolled in my local state's university, Eastern Washington University a couple years ago, I found out California Coast University wasn't accredited. EWU would not accept even one credit I allegedly got from there!

Company: California Coast University
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
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California Coast University
Earned a 4 year degree in 10 months with no education really learned or taught. Don't feel that I deserve or earned a 4 year degree with no effort put into my studies. This school should be ashamed

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Warren National University - Kennedy Western University
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