Thomas Weldon ABC
Thomas Weldon fraud scam ripoff

Education & Science

Thomas, Weldon
ABC Companies
401 S. Sherman St Suite 303
Richardson, TX 75081

The above subject and company is a fraud he Thomas Weldon will scam you out of your money. Thomas Weldon has a rap sheet in Dallas county Texas as long as my arm for fraud. Thomas Weldon runs the above website but want you to send him your money but want give you his phone number so you can talk to anyone beware no phone number that means FRAUD. There is a company close by where Thomas Weldon is that is getting photos and other information to turn over to the DA'S office.

John Armstrong

Company: Thomas Weldon ABC
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Richardson
Address: 401 S. Sherman St Suite 303
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THOMAS WELDON / Amazon scam on a 2004 Cardinl Camper owner supose to be SGT Jennifer Trojan it a SCAM!
Consumer Report

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