MWI Connections
Ripoff They charged $139.95 on my account but I never bought anything. Victimized many consumers

Education & Science

MWI Connections charged my account for $139.95 and I never bought anything from them. I don't remember even ever hearing their name.

I am a single mom with 3 children and I don't even get child support, therefore I can not afford someone taking money from me for something I never even approved. I never gave them any approval for taking that money from my bank account.

Please help me to get my money back. They are a scam company apparently. Anyone associated with this company should be charged and prosecuted for scamming innocent people.

Company: MWI Connections
Country: USA
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Ap 9* Connections
$249.95 stolen from my account 0n 12/31/07

Connections - Ik9*connections - Ap9*connections M02*cnsmembership
Connections - ik9

Mwi* Connections
Ripoff fraudulent billing

Ap9 Connections
Ripoff, fraud, dishonest billing practices Elgin Illinois

Connections deduction from my account ripoff Worldwide

MWI Connections
Ripoff fraudulent business

MWI Connections aka Connections
MWI Connections ripoff deceptive company I have been charged 109.95 on my credit card I am not able to work How can they do this? Don't even know what MWI is! & Internet

AP9 Connections
Ripoff, fraud! Charged my account without me knowing! Connecticut

MWI Connections

MWI Connections aka MWI Communications
MWI Connections Ripoff This company charged $12.95 from my checking account via my debit card. I have no idea what this charge is for! This is unauthorized! Ct