Dirty ripoff liar business from hell

Education & Science

I signed up for a merchant account that was being offered by CardService International. I had built a webstore to sell herbal products. I started to get credit card orders but their sorry merchant account wouldn't process the credit cards, causing me to not get paid. They kept promising to fix the problem (s) but it was always one problem after another. They would say the problem would be fixed by tomarrow, it wouldn't. Then they would say the problem would be fixed in 3-5 days, it wouldn't. On and On and On... Lies, Lies, Lies.

Finally, I had to shut down my webstore because I couldn't get paid. I had already sent out a few orders that I never got paid for because of CardService's sorry merchant account. I called them after 3 nightmarish weeks and told them to close the account. They said they would. I thought the nightmare was over because I didn't hear anything else from them until they put terrible things on my credit reports. All lies! They cost me my business, I lost money on orders, and they have messed my credit up which is causing my lots of problems getting other credit.

P.S. - I financed this merchant account with CardService through LeaseComm. They are another bloodsucking scam company that I had to deal with for a long time. They finally backed off and took themselves off my credit reports after I went through hell with them! These two companies are in this scam together! I hope they both get what they deserve!!!

Company: CardService
Country: USA
State: California
City: Moorpark
Address: 6101 Condor Dr
Phone: 8004565902
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Internet Treasure Chest

Internet Treasure Chest
International Treasure Chest (ITC) Costs more for a merchant account with Cardservice International via ripoff deception

CardService International
Fraudulent fees

Cardservice International And CIT Lease

Cardservice International
Merchant Card Services, Closed my account, took $3500 for early termination, and refused to refund credits.internet

Cardservice International
Ripoff says fraud protection but doesn't their protection is to take your money fraudulently removes money from your account

First Data - Cardservice International
Annual Compliance SVC Fee Added to Charges without Disclosure

CardService Paradise, CardService International
Scam, rude, uncooth business practices, fakes, liars, harassers, ripoff

Leasecomm Corporation
Leasecomm still billing for defunct merchant account terminals!

Cardservice International, First Data, Flagship Merchant Services
Cardservice International, First Data, Flagship Merchant Services You've heard of the saying "the gift that keeps on giving?" This is the company that keeps on ripping me off!