
Education & Science

Refuses to issue credit for returned merchandise to unethical travel company...

After first contacting Providian dispute department about a credit charge a dispute form was sent. The dispute form, as well as other information about the charge along with a copy of the signed certified mail receipt for the returned item was sent in a timely manner.

Every time the dispute department was contacted, I was given a different story. I have e-mailed them, written them several times, and tried to talk to them on the phone.

They claim that the case was reviewed and because the merchant said the merchandise was returned to the wrong address, they found in favor of the merchant. They say the case is closed and no further correspondence or phone calls will change the situation. The last phone call resulted in them hanging up on me
after I asked to speak to a supervisor.

I have also been in touch with the merchant. I sent them another certified letter and they called me in response. However, they can't understand why the credit card company didn't just make the adjustment. They have no intention of issuing the credit. I intend to file a report on them as well.

Company: Providian
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8003560011
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