Americatel Corp
AMERICATEL is trying to rip me off! Fake phone bills! This is a scam! Obvious Rip-off fraud!

Education & Science

I received a bill from Americatel 1010-123 in February for calls made to Mexico in November! They had my name, address and phne number on the bill. I did not even HAVE that phone number or that address in November!

I don't know anyone in Mexico. And I never use 10 10 numbers! I am furious! I tried calling Americatel and they leave you on hold for hours! I went on line and saw so many reports of fraudulent phone bills to other people from this company - so WHY hasn't someone shut them down!

Come on America - what are all these laws good for if decent people like us are being ripped off my some Mexico - owned phone scam company? As if my regualr phone bill (the calls I actually made!) isn't high enough - now this?

I will NOT pay this. I would rather pay $5000 to an attorney than to pay that $75 fake phone bill from those losers. Don't take it people - fight back. I am NOT afraid of them. I wish I could be there to say these things to them in person.

Company: Americatel Corp
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: P.O. Box 22-9020
Phone: 8774692835
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Doesnt respect the privacy and creates accounts for you

1010123 americatel rippoff - charges in my phone bill - be aware

They wrongly reported $200.00 dollars in phone bills. I have no account with Americatel and there is no basis for a biiling. The business that doesnt give a dam evil dirt bags fraudulent ripoff business

Scam charges

Fraud, Mail Fraud, Extortion - Serving the latin american community!

Using Americatel's 10-10-123 Service Results In Daily Telemarketing Calls

Americatel chrages you without agreeing to their contract! San Jose California

Americatel Corp
Charging me for something i did not orde


Fraudulent Charges