Ripoff rip off scam con artists

Education & Science

I was called on the phone one evening, and was told that i was finally approved for a major credit card in which i had applied for card, but not with them which they said i had applied with a other company and were turned down, so they turned my name over to them.

I was told that i was approved for a credit limit of $2500 and that my payments would be reported to one of the three credit unions, which i thought was great because i was getting married in a month and we both was trying to rebuild our credit.

Then i was asked did i still have a valid checking account and i said yes. I was then told that they would vertify that i had $200 in my account and withdraw it for bank purposes because the credit card will be through my bank, but the $200 will be returned to my account after the bank has approved it.

I waited for my package, no package, i started getting suspicious because they didn't return my money, i call the company to try and cancel they told me i had to call back in seven days to cancel and i did, then they informed me that if i canceled i would loose my $200. The package finally arrived catalog with a imatation perferred merchant card, but first you had to buy something from them. You talking furious, i was, immediately i returned everything with a nasty note. No refund no nothing

Company: Nacs
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: St. petersburg
Address: P.o. box 41127, st. pete Florida
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Aka National Association Card Service fraudulent ripoff business

Preferred Merchants Bank Card credit limit mastercard ripoff deception

National Association Credit Services (Nacs)
Rip-off deceptive company Tamp Bay

Ripoff deception St Petersburg

NACS/National Association Credit Services
NACS National Association Credit Service dishonest ripoff St Petersbugh

Ncs, national credit shopper

Centurion Financial Benefits
Ripoff This company lied to me and told me I was approved for a mastercard with a limit of $2000 When I finally got the package 2 1/2 months later is was a application for a cash card

National Association Credit Services aka NACS
Ripoff Your BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER is not safe

NACS credit services aka - PNC credit
NACS Credit Services aka PNC credit ripoff

Nacs Perferred Merchants
Nacs Aka National Association Credit Services altered sales phone recordings un authorized with drawel from bank account rip-off