Nationwide Transport Sevices Inc
Nationwide Transport Sevices Inc fraudulent ripoff reporting

Education & Science

I was leased to Nationwide and I was the only white independent contractor based out of Charleston, South Carolina. The two agents Mike Thomas and Sandy Miller were trying to get rid of me because some of the other Independent Contractors were jealous and complaing to them. Rumors were that I had a nicer and bigger truck than they had, maybe so but it is a 1988 T-600 thatI take very good care of. Although it was the oldest truck in the fleet and I was only 25 years old, there trucks were only 2 or 3 years old but they did not take care of them resulting in them looking worn out.

I left my house one night to pick up a loaded trailer from Nationwide's yard in Charleston S.C., and I stopped to fuel my truck up when I discovered my company issued Comdata card was turned off! After several hours on the phone with Nationwide's main office, my local office and Comdata no-one would turn it back on.

I paid for the fuel with cash that I had to get someone to bring from my house and the whole ordeal took about four hours. I called Nationwide'smain office in Cincinatti and informed them I was going back home seeing that the load was going to late now and that the customer does not accept loads that are late without rescheduling for the next day. I never picked up the load and called into dispatch the next day and was informed that I had been terminated.

Now Nationwide has reported to DAC Services that I quit under dispatch, abandoned a load and that I am not eligible for re-hire. My services to the trucking idustry are as follows: 650,000 accident-free miles, no tickets, no late loads. I think that says something about me! And as always DAC is only hear to listen to the Companies that subscribe to them.

Company: Nationwide Transport Sevices Inc
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cincinnatti
Address: 5465 North Bend Road
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Nationwide Transport Sevices Inc
Nationwide Transport Sevices, Cincinatti Ohio, Mike Thomas, Sandy Miller, Trucking Companies and employees lie about former lease operators Cincinatti, & Charleston South Carolina

Sandie Miller
Trucking Companies & employees lie about former lease operators Rip-off Cincinatti Ohio & Charleston

DAC Services
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Combined Transport Cardmoore Trucking
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Cr England
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