Gibsonton Elementary - Gibsonton, Fl
Gibsonton Elementary - Principal Donna Marra Harrassment backstabbing privacy-invasion slande

Education & Science

Some issues I have personally regarding Principal Donna Marra:

-She keeps a file on each of her teachers where she makes them fill out their personal health information. This breeches HIPPA compliancy on a multiplicity of levels.

-She appears to have possible psychological problems such as being out of touch with reality.

-One day she sent an excellent teacher home for the week. She told the teacher that she is "concerned for her mental status because she is too happy to be a teacher".

-Ms. Marra asked a teacher is she was bi-polar

-Ms. Marra told a teacher to change the dose of a medication her physician put her on.

-She lets mediocre jealous teachers run the school. If you are a person of excellence... DO NOT go here to teach!

- A recent situation under Ms. Marra's supervision occurred where a first grade Hispanic child was forced to sit in his own urine for 30 minutes.

This principal needs a psychological evaluation and also needs to be removed from any leadership position.

These incidences only scratch the surface.

Company: Gibsonton Elementary - Gibsonton, Fl
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Gibsonton
Phone: 8136715100
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