GE Capital Cons Cardco
Deceptive company rip-ped off & scammed

Education & Science

I went through a furniture company and got this company for credit. I was told by them that the payment wasn't due for a couple of months. When I did get my first bill, I noticed that it said I was past due. I called them and they didn't seem to care about what they did.

They did reduce the charges then. Even now when I sent a payment out they call my house saying they did not recieve my payment. I tried not to think bad until I saw this website trying to get the Companie's website. I'm glad I did!

Company: GE Capital Cons Cardco
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: P.O Box 9001557
Phone: 8003386507
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GE Capital Cons Cardco
Ripoff-Written Change of Address Request Ignored but late fee was assessed because bill was not timely Will not allow COA per their website either Louisville

GE Capital Cons Cardco, Best Buy
Ripoff refused to send payment summary

GE Capital Consumer Card
GE Capital Cons Card co Ripped off big time! Ripoff

Ge Capital Cons Cardco
90 Days same as Cash ripoff liars

GE Capital Cons Cardco
Ripoff - Every month we call and they credit the charges, and then in the next bill put unauthorized charges again!

G E Capital Cons Cardco
GE Capital Cons Cardco ripoff

GE Capital Cons Cardco

GE Capital Cons Cardco

GE Capital Cons Card
Co - More On The Saga ripoff illegally "holding" payments, unfair fees, bad customer service

Ge Capital Cons Cardco
Ripoff $133.26 by charging late fee and interest for late fee after I paid off the bill