Cashback America
Has not responded to $300 rebate from purchasing a sewing machine

Education & Science

When I purchased a sewing machine 3 years ago, it included a $300 rebate from this company if you followed the time consuming and detailed instructions. I did just that and made sure I did everything within the small time frame that was outlined. I sent everything certified mail and did receive the card back that they had received it. But as of this time I have heard nothing. I am just an ordinary, hardworking individual and do not appreciate being taken advantage of. This company cannot be reached by phone as it has a disconnect message. It appears it is all a scam and is one of those companies that moves around and/or disbands and then reappears under another name. This should not be allowed and I am feeling like I have been illegally taken advantage of.

Company: Cashback America
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 6250 Hazeltine National Drive, Suite C104
Phone: 4076588404
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United States Administrative Services
Cashback America—Helping you get your rebate. I wouldn't of bought the sewing machine if it wasn't for the rebate, Ha

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C Sewing Machine Rebate Scam!

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