Deer Creek Products
Ripoff Check fraud

Education & Science

Cashed my check but never sent item.

In June I decided to order a product from Deer Creek Products. I called on their toll free number (1800-477-8123) to verify that the item was in stock. The rep confirmed that the product was indeed in stock so I sent my check out that afteroon. They immediately cashed the check with no problem.

After around 8 weeks we still hadn't received the product or any word on my order's status. So I decided to call to see what happened and they now inform me that the product was now on backorder. I was feeling a bit suspicious and uncomfortable so I made a follow up call a few days later.

Again they told me it was on backorder. I just didn't feel right with this company so I was going to ask for a refund, but my daughter convinced me to be patient. After about 3 weeks after the phone calls I decided to give them yet another follow up phone call. They again stated that the product was on backorder but they should receive a new shipment in sometime in October and that I should receive it then. I thought if I waited this long I could wait a little more. October came and went and still no product.

So I immediately tried contacting them in the beginning of November. Only this time I couldn't get through on either one of their phone lines. So I searched for them on the web (their site isn't listed in the catalogue) and I contacted them through email. They more or less told me to be patient.

I keep trying to contact them through the phone and I still cannot get their. Their toll free number has a recording that says it will transfer me through, but then the dial tone comes up instead. The long distance number always has a busy signal.

Now I find out that this has happened to other people and I think everyone should get together for a class action lawsuit.

Company: Deer Creek Products
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pompano Beach
Address: 3038 N. W. 25th Avenue
Phone: 9549780597
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Deer creek products
Deer Creek Products Cashed ripoff scam cashed check but never sent product Pompano Beach Florida

Deer Creek Products
Ripoff Scumbags Steal Money From Bedridden Senior Citizen Never order anything from the Deer Creek slimeballs Warn your friends not to order anything from them eithe

Deer Creek Products, Inc
Ripoff on merchandise I ordered product never sent they kept money fraudulent

Deer Creek Products
Ripoff thieves, cashed my 73 year old mother's check and sent nothing

Deer Creek Products
RIPOFF My merchandise was NOT sent. However, my check was cashed! Fraudulent business practices mail order thieves Pompano Beach

Deer Creek Products
Did not send the product but cashed the check screwed others too pompano Beach

J D Marvel Products Inc
Cashes your check immediately & never sends the product, gives one excuse after another. Don't buy!

Julie Whitcomb
Deer Creek Products, consumer fraud ripoff

Deer Creek Products
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff businessI

Deer Creek Products
Rip-off cashed check on Dec 19 02 Today is 2 11 03 still no product