Alcan Consumer Research
Sent enticing check for mystery shopping, check and letter addresses do not match

Education & Science

Received a check for $3,990! All I had to do was mystery shop at McDonald's ($20) and Walmart ($100) and send a money gram from Western Union or Money Gram ($3170 and $200 service charge). I was going to get $500 for this! Easy money I thought! We were going out of town so could not do this right away; husband called Alcan to tell them it would be another week before I got to this.

Alcan rep stated that I should do this ASAP to get "top grades" to get more assignments. Then we checked the web before depositing the check! Letter is from Atlanta, GA dated April 7; received by us April 18. Check is written from UFCW Local 711 & Retal Food from Salt Lake City, UT; dated 4/7. Envelope is from Canada with NO return address listed. Glad we checked the website before depositing any kind of money!

Company: Alcan Consumer Research
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: PO Box 8141
Phone: 2049518860
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Alcan Consumer Research Inc
Ripoff Alcan Consumer Research Inc. Dont cash this check!

Alcan Inc
'Award Claim Final Notification

Alcan Consumer Research Inc
Not what it seems

Alcan Inc
"Award Claim Final Notification"

Alcan Consumer Research Inc
I'm alot smarter than I look because I didn't fall for the SCAM

Alcan Consumer Research
Sent me a conterfeit check that I deposoted and my bank has now closed my account and put a hold on my funds for 10 days. New York New York

Consumer Service Research Inc
Fraud-Bad Check for 4996 Mystery Shopper Scam. Cash the check and send them money by Western Union and Money Gram to

Valid Consumer Research Inc
Scam! Told to be a mystery shopper and they sent me a check for $4160, Thanks to everybody on this site for all your warnings

Consumer Research Company
Rip off scam Jefferson

CEG Research International
Michael Ota, Company sent me a fraudulent check for $4,180 and wants me to wire them $3,350