Alcan Consumer Research Inc
I'm alot smarter than I look because I didn't fall for the SCAM

Education & Science

Today, I got a letter in the mail and it had a cashier's check inside for 3,940. I was thinking, "wow, what the heck is that for?"

Well, I'll tell you and I read a report similar to this which is what had tipped me off.

The company wanted me to cash the check and wire the money via Western Union to a woman or woman's name in Los Angeles. The woman's name I was sending all this money to was Robin Ingraham. I talked to my husband about it and I told him I had never signed up for a "Mystery Shopper" job.

I was wanted to go to Mc Donald's and spend 50.00 on food and then to Walmart to buy 90.00 worth of whatever and fax the receipts and the sheet I had to fill out on the service I had received from both places.

I got to looking around and doing some research before I did anything about this check and I came across this site complaint and read a story from a woman who was in need of a little extra cash and she had cashed the check. I'm so glad I know how to use the Google Search Engine!

So, in the end, I'm not as dumb as I look and Thank God for that!

Company: Alcan Consumer Research Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Phone: 3063514285
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Alcan Consumer Research
Sent enticing check for mystery shopping, check and letter addresses do not match

Alcan Consumer Research Inc
Ripoff Alcan Consumer Research Inc. Dont cash this check!

Alcan Consumer Research Inc
Not what it seems

Saltwood Consumer Research
This is a total scam they don't even exist!

Zyban comsumer Research Inc
Consumer research inc. 8 was sent a check for $1527.00 and was told to spend $150 in wal mart and to keep the products i bought. Then to send a wire transfer to an Emily Harper in London, Canada in the amount of $987.00 and

Alcan Consumer Research
Sent me a conterfeit check that I deposoted and my bank has now closed my account and put a hold on my funds for 10 days. New York New York

Kone Consumer Research Inc
KCR Inc. Sent a check for $1,997.32 to be deposited to my account, then I use the money as a secret shopper., PA

Advance Consumer Research
Mystery Shopper, Company sends me a check and wants me to cash it and send back portion

Service Research Inc
Fraud-Bad check for $4992 Mystery Shopper Scam. They want you to cash the check and send them the money by Western Union and Money Gram

Quality Market Research
Tried to get me to cash a cashier's check to check quality for Western Union