Sprint Pcs
Fraud in not terminating service when requested

Education & Science

In September I purchased a Sprint phone in a Roseville CA COSTCO. My ex-wife also purchased the same model phone. For over 18 months the phone worked OK.in May I turned in the original phone in Chula Vista CA, because it had malfunctioned and was not repairable. I returned to Roseville in July and rented an apartment. My wife and I were separated and the house we owned jointly was sold.in this new 1 bedroom apartment no phones were able to communicate from within the apartment including my wireless laptop computer. I informed the office in Roseville many times in-person about this problem. They were going to care of it. They did not. My billing kept coming for all three devices even when there was no use.in June I received a letter from NCO, a collection agency for a sum of over $700.00. After requesting the billing from NCO I wrote an analysis of this billing problem. The bottom line is they were charging for 3 devices when none were used for at least six to eight months. Nothing settled yot. My credit reports were their next target.in november I froze my credit reports.in November I unfroze those credit reports for 15 days. I now discovered a new entry by Sprint pcs through 1st Nationwide (collection agency) for an uncollected debt of $700-800 with the dates changed from 12 to 12. This totally ruined my credit with many creditors because I had a bankruptcy in March and discharged in June. This is still on my three agency reports and I am trying to get the names, addresses and phone numbers of the people required to receive service because of a pending lawsuit.

Company: Sprint Pcs
Country: USA
State: Kansas
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Sprint PCS
Assigned me to a collection agency and did not notify me

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Sprint Pcs
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