Periodical Publication Connection
Beware, San Diego County! Now they're using Children's Hospital to rip us off!

Education & Science

A lanky teenager came to the door, introduced himself as a neighbor who "lived up the street." He said his local baseball club has been invited to play in a tournament in Hawaii, and could I PLEASE help him out by ordering a few books? He said what "most people" are doing is order a few books for donation to the Children's Hospital. He would even come back and mow my lawn, wash my car, whatever. He said a lot of people have taken him up on the free car wash offer.

He seemed like a nice kid, so I bought one book ($48), and had him donate it to the hospital. He wanted my phone number so his coach could call me in a week to "follow-up".

After he left I felt pretty good about donating to such a worth cause. Then I looked closely at the receipt. Then I Googled the company. The testimonials on this site shocked me.

I cancelled the check the next morning. What a despicable scam.

Encinitas, California

Company: Periodical Publication Connection
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Buford
Address: PO Box 22244
Phone: 7708317722
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Periodical & Publication Connection, Inc
"Local" door-to-door youth selling publications for PPC to raise funds for baseball team trip

Periodical & Publication Connection, Inc
Order placed, check written but no product delivered

Periodical & Publication Connection
Young man selling books to earn money for sports trip scammed me for $160

Periodical & Publication Connection
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Periodical And Publication Connection
Buford, GAPeriodical And Publication Connection - Periodical And Publication Connection Rip-Off in Bellaire, Texas

Quality Subscriptions, Inc./Periodical & Publication Connection, Inc
Quality Subscriptions, Periodical & Publication Connection, ripoffs, scams, fraud, no such company

Periodical & Publication Connection, INC
"Periodical & Publication Connection, INC." or "PPCI" is a SCAM! Ripoff

Quality Subscriptions Inc
QSI Donation Scam. Young man soliciting donations to sell books for to Children's Hospital. Raising funds for his baseball trip to Hawaii

Experience Sales
Tiffany Jeffrey Door-to-door salesman told me I was purchasing books for a Children's Hospital

Periodical And Publication Connection
United Family Circulation Fell for the scam too! Door bell rang clean cut looking young man at the door selling magazines to help send his unfunded club baseball team