Consumer Trust Financial
Tricked Me Into Thinking This Was A Payday Loan Clearwater, Florida

Education & Science

I applied for a loan through one company, and the lender was not able to help me. So they said they found some more lenders that could. There were four lenders that I could choose from. So one of the lenders was Consumer Trust. Went through the normal steps and then I realized that this company could not help me.

So I cancel out of the site but the company still charged my account. How is this lender in the payday catagory, payday loans are company that supply you with cash, not take cash away. That defeats the purpose of applying for a loan. I call the company up and talk to a person name JoAnn. Took her a few minutes to say hello and she didn't answer the phone as Consumer Trust but as something else I didn't catch the name. But for anyone applying for a loan be aware. She said that they would not refund my money.

Then I ask to speak to a supervisor, she informed me that this was not a cause for a supervisor call and that the supervisor was going to tell me the same thing and that there was not an supervisor there. She placed me on hold and then I start speaking to a Shawanna Peterson who is suppose to be an supervisor, which I don't know if she is or isnt. She goes on to tell me its non refundable but I can use the card they will send me to purchase items. She also said I can write to consumer trust and ask for a refund. I am very upset not only did you take money away but they caused my account to go into overdraft. This is like a phone slam, I hope a lawyer would call me and this go public. Because people need to know.

Company: Consumer Trust Financial
Country: USA
Address: Clearwater, Florida 33756
Phone: 8004180776
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