Jim Stoddard
Has a public judgment against him in Civil Court in Santa Moncia for keeping money that was not his. He has not paid the judgment against him and has not shown up for hearings. Harbor City

Education & Science

Case # SM05A00398

Judgment for fraud, money had and received and miss representing present and current facts. Jim Stoddard was found guilty in 2005 and has made not attempt to pay back the money the court found him liable for.

Jim Stoddard is currently employed at California Boss Hoss in Harbor City CA

Before you do business with him make sure you get all his personal information and do a complete credit and back ground check.

This matter is a matter for public record and therefore it is completely appropriate to post such matters in public forums..

Company: Jim Stoddard
Country: USA
State: California
City: Harbor City
Address: 1414 PCH
Phone: 8669122488
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