Covnant Transport
If you wnat to go to jail work here

Education & Science

I made the mistake of working for thid company for almost 3 years the longer i worked for the the worse it got. They offer thid so called us leagal service if you get a ticket they send a lawer to your hearing so you dont have to come off the road for court. Well i got a ticket they never sent noone to my court date and low and behold my licence got suspended for failer to appear. With the company knowing this they still let me drive across country to bismark nd were i was pulled into a d.O. T check station everthing checked out except when they ran my licence it came back suspened. Noone contacted me or informed me they were suspended. Needless to say i got takin to jail for driving while suspened. If i was informed i could have resolved the matter quickly. So to all who looks at this company to work for be prepared to have a criminal record by the time you leave them. David parker all i can say to you is you are the biggest joke of a christian i have ever meet...

Company: Covnant Transport
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Chattanooga
Phone: 8007525202
Site: covnant
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Troy Baker, Esq
License suspended because Mr. Baker failed to attend the court hearing

Covenant transport
Orientation ripoff

Celadon Trucking Services Group
Celadon wont let me drive

John hackworth
Hackworth trucking wants to get rich off the sweat and hard work of others backs and keeps wages due to those who work for him

Dekalb County Courts
Consumer Report

AAA Nevada Insurance Company
Fails to provide proper service to customers

State Of Michigan
Drivers Responsibilty fee scam

LA County Superior Court
When a court makes a mistake they need to take full responsibility for there mistakes

Alliance One
Word Breaking Liars got my license suspended

The Ticket Clinic
Ripoff, mishandled case, still paid the full ticket price, screwed, didn't work, sham