Credit Defense League SCAM!
Pul S Cohen credit repair swindler / real estate hustler saddle Rive

Education & Science

I called Credit Defense League and spoke to Paul Cohen... He tried to sell me on credit repair... Which is fine... However what he forgets to mention on his website is that Pauly boy is the guy who is going to do the repair and he has zero experience. Turns out that Credit Defense League is really just a moonlighting gig for Paul Cohen where he tries to learn the credit repair process with the customers account as the guinea pig.

Paul then tries to wax litigious like he is some BAR attorney... Far from it I checked him out he is just another posing slacker trying to profit at the consumers expense.

Company: Credit Defense League SCAM!
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Saddle River
Address: Saddle River, New Jersey
Phone: 2018320929
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Paul S Cohen
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Credit Defense League
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Credit Defense League
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Credit Defense League
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Paul S Cohen
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