Holding up credit card payments

Education & Science

Beware of the thought that a payment might get to your credit card company faster if you overnight it to Certegy. I sent a money order and it has been long enough that I could have walked it to FL instead of mailing it from Nashville. I have heard of companies holding payments in attemps to make them late but since I paid it off last month and with this additional payment I will have a credit balance, I am just pi&ed off that they are holding my money. Beware of them. It might be worth paying $8.95 to pay by phone. At least that way I know they can't keep my money in a savings account instead of applying it to my account. Best of luck to the rest of you. Fed up in nashville!

Company: Certegy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: St. Pete
Address: 11601 Roosevelt Blvd
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