NMB Plantinum CC App Fee
A fradulent credit card company New York City

Education & Science

Company Debit 99.95 dollars out of my account without any autorization from me.

Spartanburg, South Carolina

Company: NMB Plantinum CC App Fee
Country: USA
Site: credit-land.com
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Passport To Fun
This company charged my debit account, without my autorization, $14.95

Usa Plantinum Credit Card
USA Plantinum Credit Card ripoff

Ripoff, $600 Unauthorized Debit of Account

Watch out! Serious fradulent charges are taking place on your debit card! Miami florida

LSC Mineral Science
Un autorization of taking money from my account

First Universal Plantinum
The company I believe scam me thru false information thru the internet website

First Universal Plantinum
First Plus Plantinum Credit Consumer Plus Platinum Global Gold Inc Misrepresented offer. I cancelled service in time allowed, but still receiving charges from companies I don't even know about. Firstuniversalplatinum.com Nevada

Clear Credit
Liars! False advertising RIP-OFF need Is say ore? Okay I will read below deceptive company

The Platinum Card
Fraudulent rip off company. Deceptively added to as an "opt-out' to a loan i processed. Attempts at cancellation unsucessful. Toll free # is another word for "please hold" because u never get a live operator or call back

Prime One Benefits
Ripoff Prime One Benefits Credit Card Scam New York