Bottom Line Books
Is taking advantage of the elderly billing for books that were never received

Education & Science

Bottom Line Books is taking advantage of the elderly billing for books never received and not supplying enough contact information to dispute the bill

Company: Bottom Line Books
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: Po Box 11014
Phone: 8006785835
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Bottom Line Books
Mailed me some books that I hadn't ordered, with a bill for $47.94 Des Moines Iowa

Bottom Line books
Scam. Seht and billed me for expensive books I did not order

Bottom Line Books
Unsolicited books

Bottom Line Books
Received books i did not order. I am now being charged $47.94

Bottom Line Books
Scamming senior citizens

Bottom Line Books
I am reporting this fraudulent company name "BOTTOM LINE BOOKS." I Am Not Sure Because I Visted Serveral Sits. Maybe Sugar Land

Bottom Line Books
Bottom Line'Books Sent me unsolitited books and a bill for same

Bottom Line Books
They are sending me books that I did not order and billing me for them. I am sick of it!

Bottom Line Books
Who are you and why did you send me these books?

Bottom Line Books
Did not order anything, but receiving bills