John Finn
Please forgive us, but we have taken a closer at your profile

Education & Science

I received a letter advising me that I was a very special person and that I posess special incredibly rare traits. People who posess these same traits are some of the wealthiest and most successful people on the planet. It goes on 8 pages saying he "an unidentified celebrity" met a man in Las Vegas who everytime he placed a bet he won and everyone liked him and that women would come up to him and start a conversation.

He follwed this man for a few days and experienced his incrediable favor with everything he came into contact with. He said he was left with a smile and the promise that he would one day receive the secrets that he posessed. And after that he was so curious he went to every libary or book store to investigate what the man had told him. He miraculiously one day decided to go back to Las Vegas to see if he could find the man once again.

He stopped at a almost ghost town for a cup of coffee and noticed a libary across the street. He went in and as the librian for information on the subject. The lady said that there had been a man in the libary a few days before and had described a man that would be coming into the libary in a few days and for her to give him a book. He received the book and he went on to become a famos and rich celebrity. The letter goes on to say that I was choosen by a secret association for membership into their club because of my special traits and profile.

It also states that the book is absolutley free and there are 56 pages in the book and all I have to do is fax or mail over the application no strings attatched. It made mention that the mystery man from Las Vegas was meet again and he reveiled he used this secret knowlege to become one of the youngest senior research chemist for E.I. Du Pont De Numours & Co. The letter gives me 2 days to return the invitation by fax or mail but if I donot it will all be given to someone else. I found this to be a very well written letter using the fairy tale approach to incapture my imigination.

Company: John Finn
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Dover
Address: P.O. Box 6304
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John Finn, Invitation Processing
You posses special traits, secret society, free-membership

Greatest Kept Secrets
Greatest Kept Secrets, John, secret society, P.O. Box 6304 Dover, Delaware

Invitation Processing - Greatest Kept Secrets
56 page booklet of Greatest Kept Secrets completely free of charge

Kate - Katie Greatest Kept Secrets
Tday I recieved a letter from this person claiming to be from a "Secret Society"

Secret Society
I have Special Traits Ripoff

Nouveau Tech
Ripoff special and rare traits mailing They think I am DUMB!

Invitation Processing
Free Memebership Invitation, Sent me a letter inviting me to some secret association with secret individuals who viewed my profile and found "special" traits about me and that they want me to join membership to their society

Invitation Processing
Invitation To A "Secret Society"

Secret Society - Greatest Kept Secret
"Secret Society", "Greatest Kept Secret" I'm SO blessed with many SPECIAL TRAITS that Celebrities and Millionaires share!

Nouveau Tech
Ripoff Invitation Processing Letter Scam that was sent to my very minor son