Financing Alternative
Made me feel stupid

Education & Science

Since i have been to this country i had not established any credit whatsoever so when i saw this commercial i thought instead of using cash to buy a computer why not make monthly payments. My fiance and i decided to do this and in the process they robbed us over $1900 of which i would love to get back every penny. We didnt beg or borrowed that money we worked really hard for it and i dont understand how thieves likew these can just take people hard working money and get away with it.

This happen over a year now i got no refund and no computer i had to spend more money to get one caz i realized when it was too late that they ripped me off. I do know they changed their names to circuit country. Those people should go to jail.

Company: Financing Alternative
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Chesapeake
Address: 565 Cedar Road Ste1
Phone: 6319206412
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Financing Alternative
Ripoff promised a good credit report, a computer after 3months of payment, customer serv. No. Can't be contacted, and your own money can't be refunded once you decide to cancel or terminate their service

Financing Alternatives, Inc, Also Under PCS
Where is my computer I paid for do you think it is cool to steal from hard working people! Chesapeaske

Financing Alternative, INC
I order a computer from this company for 2131.48 paying 177.62 a month and didn't receive anything I don't have that kind on money to loose

Financing Alternatives
Theives, Stole, Scam artists, Jerks, Liars

Financing Alternatives, Inc
I have paid over 1000 on a computer out of my checking account and have not received it spoken with someone on numerous occassions said that they were backed up now i am unable to get anyone on the phone or through email

Financing Alternative
Ripoff on a computer contract. I say that they are thieves

Financing alternatives, inc
I had order a computer, made all required payements got done paying and never got my computer or my money back saying if i wanted it back or the computer there was no phone call ihad payed 1500

Financing Alternatives

Financing Alternatives
Ripoff thieves who stole money from my bank account unauthorized

Financing Alternatives, Inc
Financing Alternatives lied time and time again to me about when I would get my computer, $2200 later still no computer