Scam, ripoff, bogus charges, un-cooperative customer service Blank internet

Education & Science

I purchased a sample yube from ultrarelief.com to try, and it said i would be charged $3.99 shipping, and that i could cancel at any time within ten days, thats when my problems started i tried several times a day for those ten days to unsubscribe myself through their system being told eveytime thast i was not on their system, several emails later i was told that i was charged $3.99 for this... A month later i get a $70 tub that i had tried to cancel this whole time, now im getting responses to the like of" you should have read the terms" and "there is a way to un-subscribe"

Just to let you know i am sending them a complaint every chance i get

baxter springs, Kansas

Company: Ultrarelief
Country: USA
Site: ultrarelief.com
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Rip off and bogus charges!

Unauthorized charges!

Charged my debit card unauthorized!

Scam charges

Unauthorized charge!

Ultra Relief

Ultra Relief
Don't be taken by this company

Ultra Relief
Unauthorized charges

Ultra Relief
They will not cancel order, i keep getting jars of product and charged $66.90 per jar

Ultra Relief
Ultra relief ripoff sends a sample then starts billing you and sending jars of the product before you try the sample. Orem Utah