Ultra Relief

Health & Medicine

This company is a fraud and they only want your money. I was trying to win a laptop computer and ordered a sample of their product. Before I even had a chance to use the product they mailed me a full size bottle and charged my credit card $59.99 plus tax. When I called them they told me that the ten day trail begins when you] place the order not when you get the product. So I canceled as soon as I realize this but they told me I did not cancel in time and so I sent the product back and they charged me a 25% restocking fee.

So I have just lost over $20.00 of my hard earned cash and I will never ever do this again.

Company: Ultra Relief
Country: USA
State: California
City: Long Beach
Site: ultrarelief.com
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Ultra Relief
Don't be taken by this company

NitroBlashX - Free Trail

Ultra Life Fitness - Ultra PM - Pmburner.com - PMBurner
Ripoff I was sent a trail sample, I was in a survey for a Walmart Card and did not realize I was ordering this

Resveratrol Ultra

Beach Ready, LLC
Consumer Report

Ultra Relief LLC, Performance Health USA LLC
Was Scamed into an automatic supply of "health" product. Sarcastic & arrogent contacts

Ultra Relief
Unauthorized charges

Lean Life Pm
Took money and i never received the product ripoff

Eliteacai berry
Acaiberry detox FWM Laboratories Took my money for a product I never recieved. Also told me I didn't cancel on time when I never recieved the product I tried to cancel and they said okay and then billed me $82.31

Pure Energy Products
Rip off, will not let you cancell order. After 15 days received 1 bottle and charged on credit card, will not accept cancell order, says you can cancel at any time