Intel Marketing Group
Deceptive practices and Unresponsiveness

Education & Science

I signed up with Intel at the beginning of November by a someone who claimed to be a sales manager, Mike Fierce (such a tacky fake name). Anyways, I decided to do a campaign with 100 fresh leads with good credit scores for almost two thousand dollars. Actually according to my contract, it reads that I am to get mortgage leads with fico scores above 620 and no BKs or foreclosures (that is pretty hard to promise as they don't pull credit on any of these files). I begin my service and I received a total of 8 leads over two days. I was able to get a hold of a total of 7 of these clients. Six out of these seven are in foreclosure or bankrupt. I contact my account manager, Antonia Rojas (her e-mail is and she tells me to print out the leads and a type out a brief summary as to what is wrong with them and fax them to her. I promptly do as she suggests and I have a fax confirmation sheet notifying me that they have gone through. The other lead that I finally got ahold of was for a unlisted phone number in a public library in New York somewhere.

Two days pass and I got no leads so I decieded to call Antonia and explain that we decided to cancel our service due to the fact that they broke their contract (promsing me good QUALIFIED leads). I inform her that I would like a refund and that she can charge us for the one leads that wasn't returned. She then notifies me that she has to submit it for a "refund approval" and that can take up to 3 weeks. It has been about three weeks as of now and I have no heard from her. I have called numerous times and left plenty of messages as well as e-mails.

When I call to speak to manager they say that Antonia is the only one. Often she supposedly is at lunch all hours of the day. The one woman said that Dawn was a manager. I think I spoke to her once and she was helpful but apparently everything goes through Antonia. I did some reserach through D&B and found that the owner's name is Jason Childress. I sent him a certified letter today with my contract and a letter demanding that I get a refund for the unfulfilled leads.

Hindsight is 20-20, but I also looked at Better Business Bureau and they actually have an F rating. I wonder why? These are bad people. I have also contacted a local attorney and are looking at a possible class action lawsuit due to the amount of people that have come forward claiming these deceptive practices.

Company: Intel Marketing Group
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 3400 West 6th Street, Unit 306
Phone: 8003684804
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Intel Marketing Group
Worthless, Valueless, Good-for-Nothing, Low-Life, Marketing Group

Intel Marketing Group, LLC
WILL rip you off!

Intel Marketing Group
We paid $700 for Exclusive Mortgage leads, and found out the leads that we were sent was made up leads

Intel Marketing Group
Rippoff company

Intel Marketing Group LLc
Intel Lied

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NR LEADS, Ad Authority, ripoff mortgage leads, bogus leads, breach of contract

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Intel Marketing Group