Outside Magazine
Outside Magazine is a bunch of Yuppie Liars

Education & Science

I am a proffesional guide, and have been one for years.in early I took one of Outside Magazine's editors, Brad Wetzler, on a private trip down the Black Canyon of the Colorado, south of Las Vegas.

First of all, for someone who is supposed to be an outdoors writer, Brad was a total sissy. He couldn't paddle, couldn't hike, and didn't even really want to explore any of the awesome places that I usually take regular tourists. Brad didn't bring a photographer, or a camera, so I wondered what they would do for pics.

After the trip, my girfriend and I took Brad to dinner, and I even offered to give him some of the photos I have for the article. I also gave him a lot of background info about the area that I had and suggested a few other places he might visit, since the article was supposed to be on Nevada.

Months later, the article came out, I didn't even know even though I had looked for it on the shelves. Friends pointed it out to me later.

The article was barely noticeable, since there were almost no photos. I read the article and was SHOCKED and PISSED OFF. Brad has me as a fat, cigarette smoking, donut munching tool.

First of all, this moron has me mixed up with the van driver, even though I had spent the entire day dragging his whoossy ass down the river. He described me as "a little round" and "puffing on a butt". You can see pictures of me on articles that appeared in Sunset magazine and the Milwaukee Journal
(google it, I didn't take time to find the links, sorry), I am obviously not "round".in season I kayak at least ten miles a day. Furthermore, I DO NOT SMOKE! I have never smoked.in fact, I get really bad migraines from being around it, the reason I quit my casino job several years ago.

Then, the article was completely innacurate, as if it were written by someone who wasn't even there. The river trip part was completely ridiculous, ending with us paddling up-river to Hoover Dam. You try that some time and see how far you get, especially dragging a wimpy mag editor with you! There were lots of other innacuracies throughout the article, to the point of being downright insulting to the state of Nevada.

I contacted the senior editor Dianna Delling about this issue. Apparently, Dianna is another liar. I see a pattern. She told me that she would have their fact-checking deptartment look into it. That was 2 years ago. I have heard nothing, despite writing to them several more times. So here we are.

My problem is that now if you web search my name, this turd of an article comes up (unfortunately well before the several good articles I have been in), making me look like an a-hole, particlularly to a prospective employer. If there is any lawyer out there who thinks I have a case, let me know, I'll give you a huge cut.

I realize that this site mostly exposes shoddy mechanics and things like that, but I hope at least to save at least one person from believing that they can trust what they read in this crappy rag. I have seen a lot of other screwed up articles in there, I don't belive anything they say. I mean, now they present Newt Gingrich as an environmentalist? Wow. Obviously, they are not a credible outdoor mag, and now they are just for Hummer driving car camping yuppies who think if they buy outdoor gear, it makes them outdoorsmen. Outside magazine sucks. They are liars. What a bunch of scumbags.


Company: Outside Magazine
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Santa FE
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