Massachusetts Indemnity Life Insurance Company
We were swindled into believing that we had a college fund set up for our child

Education & Science

We were approached by a Primerica Life representative in 1991. We sat down and talked with the gentlemen and he led me to believe that his company was a great company to work for. He wanted to sign me up for training so I too could make money like he did. He told me that he made approx. $20,000 per month just by selling insurance and financial programs to families. I took the insurance class and passed but did not take it any further. I was skeptical from the beginning when we were invited to stay the night at the reps house. The class was lasting 2 days. I stayed at the house and just noticed things were odd. Why would a man that makes all this money not be able to buy a new fan. The fan that was in my room was old and made alot of noise. The house wasn't all that nice. It was an average $150,000.00 home. Since I had already taken the class for a full day and only had one day to go, I finished it. I had a baby in March of 1990. So in 1991 when he came to the door and was offering life insurance/financial advise, he had us hook line and sinker. We believed him when he told us that when our daughter graduates, she will have $70,000 saved for her to go to college. Our premiums for our life insurance was also tied into the college fund. After waiting for the past 18 years now to see how much we have saved - and find that they never even put any of this premium into a college fund. Now we have nothing saved and feel stupid.

Company: Massachusetts Indemnity Life Insurance Company
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Duluth
Address: 3120 Breckinridge Boulevard
Phone: 4043811000
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Michigan College Funding
Consumer Report

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Ripoff They took away my debt! Why they do that?

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will not be a sucker thanks to this site

Great Company

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