Pinkerton Government Services
Humilation & Retaliation

Education & Science

I worked as Manager for only a couple of weeks and was forced out due to the constant harassment and demeaning attitude of AVP Greg Duncan. He spoke to me like I was a child, interrupted me constantly and talked over me. This indviduals thinks he is above everyone and has no respect for anyone. He says one thing and does another. He cannot be trusted.

I was forced out so he could bring in a friend of the family in. Anyone he doesn't agree with him gets the shaft and either gets demoted or humilated so much until they have to quit.

He hired me as a manager but told me I couln't make any decisions and that no one reported to me. When I reported insubordination from my subordinates he quickly dismissed me as I didn't exist. He disregarded my concerns when I was threatened with workplace violence from one of the guards working. The only action taken was from HR and the Branch. When I asked for more training he moved the only qualified manager away (he was told he had to train me on everything in 2 weeks or less) and made it difficult for this to happen.

This culture of disrespect was too much for me and I wouldn't allow myself to be subjected to his torment anymore. I tried to talk to the my Manager regarding this but he was moved away and everyone was told not to speak to him because he stood up to him.

I don't believe he likes anyone (especially women) unless they are yes people. He is the worst boss I have ever had. The client is unhappy with him and the morale is at the worst. I only urge everyone to leave before he degrades them to the point of embarrassment. Don't believe me, just disagree with his wishes.

The client would be better served getting a new company without such ineptitude in leadership.

I resigned under duress and I'm considering taking other actions so that this happen to someone else.

Company: Pinkerton Government Services
Country: USA
State: California
City: El Segundo
Address: 360 N. Sepulveda
Phone: 3104263300
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