KEAN University
Needs To Get Backslapped! They're just wrong to students!

Education & Science

Ok well here it is the story on kean and a few things that they have done that are just plain wrong and should get back slapped for. And on the serious side dealt with, students are dedicating their lives to them and for what, for them to treat them like children who have no rights.

My story id this. My Fiance attends Kean and this is at my discression not hers so nothing should be used against her. Her Name is Jean M. Reyes she is a sophmore now and resides in the school. She works full time and goes to school plus does her own private stuff that girls do like get together with her friends and eats at the diner and tries to hand with me as much as she can. Now we live almost an hr away from one another and I moved from P. A to be closer to her trying to get a job and such but it's tuff. She works her butt off to compinsate for that, now she dorms there like I said and they have rules like a pass needs to be filled out just for me to stay over, and I can't sun-tuesdays which is dumb, they mes up on the passes which are limited and it's not like we're just dating we are engaged. Her roomate is married for crying out loud with proof and even more I feel bad for because it's hard to see one another with the way things are. Her roomates don't at all miond us being there because we all know each other. Her roomate over used the passes so to speak and they fined her so high for it and almost threw her out just for trying to spend time with her Husband. I can understand if it was fifferent people but it's not and they should have that at least one person assigned perminantly and passes for other guest if so, it's so hard to spend time because of this and now they have a system where you have to sign in and get a card in exchange for an i. D and leaving in a rush or just forgetting people forget their important i. D's like licences and such and it is acredited to us still being there when we're not. And that get's them in trouble and more fines.

Now the more deeper and important issues. The next they had a stove last year and because a few bad apples they took them out, how are people supposed to eat? Microwave food all the time or eat out or eat at their designated areas which cost more money and aren't open like ever! Now they say their is a stove in the lobby but the thing isn't working, i mean not even plugged in. That takes away from people who like home cooked meals and breakfast (i used to always cook her breakfast before we left when she had work or class because it's healthy and she needs it) what is she supposed to do now eat cereal alone and what if they don't want to eat that or are lactose intolerant or have no milk or something they just don't win and it's unhealthy. They should either have a stove on each floor or just let them be responsible and whomever ruined it for them in the rooms before after a warning or two because stuff happens be put in a room with others who ruined it together not let let everybody take away from healthy responsible habits. Someting has to be done about that as well, it just isn't fair and it's unjust, inhumane and just plain wrong and irrisponsible.

My last one is the most dearest keepoing in mind how much she works and dedicates herself for school taking crimminal justice and psychology which she deeply admires and hopes to achieve deeply in wiith her dedication. She even went to summer classes struggeling with work not because she did but but hurry the process, she originally signed up for classes which they have to pay $100.00 for had it set perfectly for her work schedule and such, applied for loans but because she got a new loan with sally mae they send the check to you and not the school but given the school knowing this imformation instead of telling her or calling sally mae to verify which also they know once she's approved upon signing up she no matter what will get the loan"NO MATTER WHAT"mind you, but because the money wasn't sent in time they cancelled her classes wiothout further investigation or atleast further days to situate this, she talked to everybody there and the financial aid, the councelors and to no avail. Sally mae was not going to send her the money because she had no schedule t produce. The school wouldn't give her her schedule because their was no money to be given (how greedy and just wrong) so the circle just went on endlessly, she had to re-sign for classes and re-pay $100.00 that she didn't have in the 1st place and which she borrowed and the school won't reinburst none at all knowing the situation was so messed up. She got classes that weren't so fitting to her schedule but she managed the best she can and now time is even more crazy. Even to the point where she goes to class has to rush to newark airport security and all then back to class afterwadrs given their is parking, mornings and night but she does what she has to given all that. Now by tomorrow oct 3rd she has to have the loan in but because of the hassle and nonsense the school gave her she got the check miled on the nineteenth. Just received it recently then had to deposit it in her bank. Now she has the statement the money. A receipt of when she put it in, a letter of when they would mail it and she should receive it in advance and a letter from a bank official and all telling them it would clear on the 4th of this month, and upon getting this she has been trying to go all week to situate this but with class and her busy schedule and the long wait at the offices she had gotten nothing.

Now today she finally spoke to someone and they told her to go to a tracy jones who handles pulling peoples schedules financials and all"in charge mind you"and she said that she cxan't do nothing about it though ms. Jones was the one who knew about her situation originally and never helped out just gave her the run around when she herself could of made a simple call to sally mae took a few minutes to not ruin a student let alone a good students schedule and having her risk time and God-forbid a career time is preciuos these days and school can be discouraging, but she fightes on, and told tracy that she knows her situation and tracy said she couldn't do nothing and her classes may get pulled though again"she's in charge of that and even if wan't could allow one more day being that she has written proof from the bank and she knows she didn't help the situation before being lazy or whatever"but she's in charge!

So she waved her off and left it at that like my Fiance is just plain out of luck! Now my fiance being that the fighter that she is especially for her future and her whole life asked and talked to the secretary again and the secreatry knowing she was right and her boss wrong said said would talk to her again because the 1st time tracy didn't want to even talk to my fiance and told her to leave cruelly knowing theirs a deadline the next day, so the secretary spoke to her again and my fiance talked to her again and showed her again all the proof and the backround of how this is all because the schools doing and greed or whatever you want to call it, (but she didn't mention that part she's respectful) she just stated she has had problems because the school not complying when she did all that thjey asked and went out her way even being late to work a few times and that's not good for the job and her money.

So tracy jones said that the best thing she can do is the 4th in the morning she has to go to the bank and get the money then give it in (that's if she's available like usually not, or willing to see her) but she can't promise anything though that's the day she pulls accounts and classes and if that's so already a month and change in school, studying and working, taking test she could have her classes and hard work forfitted, and how can she even get other classes so late. That's insane and impossible. All because they want the money then and not a day later!

So much is at risk surely people can see how wrong all this is especially all the nonsense with her class, she will be kicked out of school, dorming and all, classes and all, please! Please! If their is anything that can be done about this news we just got today assist us the best you can, call the school, protest, legally of course, i don't want her to risk being kicked out or a vendetta because she or me rather is defending and standing up for her rights, but something has to be done about all this unjustness anyone contact me on what we can do A.S.A. P!

This is a great womans future at stake and many others who probally go through this or have been ruined by this unjustly when so focused, contact me at (ROR removed for security purposes) with answers or help and any and all people who can help i beg of your mercy for her not for me. Have a great day my peoples and that's the story I have alot more but will leave that out for further discussion... Kean university (grrr)

Company: KEAN University
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Union
Address: 1000 Morris Ave
Phone: 9087375326
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