Corporate Compliance Center
Fictitious Business name Renewal

Education & Science

Fictitious business name renewal scam

I just got a expiration notice from this company. After some research, I have found out they are a scam. They were requesting me to renew straight away to have enough time for processing, even though the name does not expire until Feb and they are charging $125.00 for this service. I even tried to call them and surprise, surprise, you just keep getting through to a full voicemail box. The actual cost of fictitious business name in San Francisco is only $41.00, so they were making a good profit, for not really having to do anything. I have just emailed the company address and details to the San Francisco County Clerk office, and requested they put some sort of warning on their website about this. I also requested that someone should investigate this company thoroughly, and hopefully shut them down.

Company: Corporate Compliance Center
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: 2740 Fulton Avenue, Suite 203
Phone: 9164809880
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Fictitious Business Name Renewal Center
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Attempted to scam and rip me off of $125 to "renew my fictitious name" but I Googled and this site saved my money and time

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Renewal Center CRC
Regarding: Fictitious Business Name Renewal