Media Group
Takes you money but never ships orders or responds to enquiries nationwide

Education & Science

Placed order for twilight zone box set and was promptly charged $140 with shipping. Company never sent tracking number as promised and never responded to endless phone messages or emails to find out status of order. After one month with no resolution and no product, i am having my credit card company reverse the charge, thank god i paid by visa!!! Had i sent cashiers check or money order i would be out this money.

Warning to all - do not deal with this company... They are a total rip off! Wish i had done my homework first and checked on them to read some of the other postings.

Company: Media Group
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8777977973
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Garcia Media Group, Aka, Aka SXR CA
SCAM: Charged my credit card for an order I never received and doesn't answer e-mails Montreal Or Tampa Quebec or Florida Media Group
Phony company took my money and did not deliver dvds! Ripoff

Top 10 Brand
Top10Brand.Biz no tracking number as promised within 48 hours, but credit card charged. No answer to my emails since July 15

Garcia Media Group -or - SXR CA
Garcia Media Group, SXR CA took my money i got scamed

TVdvdmediainc, Garcia Media Group, SXR CA
Ripped me the f#@

Spray Gun World
SGW, Industrial Spray Equipment, Mike The Professor Takes money does not send goods

DVD Tige
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Did not deliver the merchandise I ordered

Garcia Media Group/SXR CA
Garcia Media Group TV Box Set Charged card but never sent DVDs Montreal