Capital first bank
Is a ripoff

Education & Science

I purchased this credit card under the asumtion that I would be recieving a $1500.00 credit line from this company but what I recieved instead was a bank charge of $29.95 (that I had agreed to) but also a bank charge of $99.95 and another of 59.95 that I had not agreed to or authorized.

I must say that I have a good repore with my bank and this made me look BAD!!! And screwed up my account. I had no knowlage of the other two transactions, I was not told and the only way that I found out was because I had recieved an over draft notice from my bank. The only way to clear this up with my bank was to start a new account so no more moneys could be withdrawn from my account.

I must say that I was happy to see that some one else had the guts to write up on this when it happened to them and I would like to thank them because this was a bit embarasing and reading there story gave me the strangth to write mine.

elma, Washington

Company: Capital first bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 18495 south dixie highway #228
Phone: 18668926018
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Capital One Credit Cards
Reopend my bank account information after I deleted it and made a $300 transaction

Capital First Benefits
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Capital One
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Capital First
Ripoff Corrupt Companie thieves
Stole my bank account information

Capital Financial
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Capital Bank
I had money taken from my account from a company I never heard of, and it caused me to go into overdraft, and Capital Bank charges $5 A DAY on overdraft, and when I went to dispute the charges