Ripoff got my checking account number and deducted $149.95. Victimized. Many consumers Recently named Uniontown, PA

Education & Science

Checked out on and found they have changed their name to

They have $149.95 of my money from my checking account and I want it back or else. Please advise. I called them and cancelled but had no idea they had deducted this money from my account until a few days ago. Can you help?

Phoenix, Arizona

Company: Maxxim,
Country: USA
Address: One Milennium Drive
Phone: 5801065
  <     >  


Maxxim Platinum
Theft of $175.00 by not fulfilling agreement or return of money

Maxxim Platinum Service
Taking money outof my account with out permission

Maxxim Platinum (USA Gold)
Maxxim Platinum, USA Gold ripoff dishonest scammed offered money to keep the account open

Maxxim Platinum
Fraudulent ripoff business

USA Credit, USA Platinum
USA Credit, USA Platinum Unauthorized debit or rip off from personal checking account without my permission, I did not want this card. Uniontown

Usabenefit - usa Platinum
Ripoff Pennysylvania

USA Platinum
Ripoff - Misrepresented themselves, got my account information to make recurring charges rip-off scam dirt bags

Capital First
Ripoff Fraudulent billing

North American Platinum, Optimum Platinum, National Platinum - United Platinum - First Platinum
North American Platinum - Optimum Platinum - National Platinum - United Platinum - First Platinum ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing on checking account twice

Nationwide Platinum Dba USA Credit
Nationwide Platinum, USA Credit Deducted $149 and change from my checking and never issued a pin or catolog or anything except a piece of plastic.internet