Gives porn not movies Ripoff internet

Education & Science

On 8/4/07 i signed up with mymusicinc to download movies for my grandkids. The total cost was $34.83 for on year. When i searched for a movie and selected the top choice to download it i was taken to a porn site instead. Since my grandkids use my computer i was very, very upset!

I immediately emailed mymusicinc and asked to cancel my membership and have my $34.83 returned. That was a week ago and i have sent several emails since but haven't received any response from mymusicinc.

I found your site today and typed in mymusicinc and found that these crooks have ripped off a lot of people besides me.

I read a useful suggestion on your site about calling the phone number for mymusicinc on my bank statement which i will try.

Please learn from my stupidity and don't have anything to do with these people!

modesto, ca.

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8773540013
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Ripoff On-line Based

They Take Your Money And Run With It. MyMusicInc has NO tech support zero zilch nada. Matter of fact, these jerks won't answer ANY email sent to them. DANGER, DANGER, Will Robison! Ripoff

My Music Inc
MyMusicInc ripoff Search for anything and it comes back with "found" Internet

Scam Internet
These folks ought to be in prison!

LimeWire Or Is It My Music
LimeWire Or Is It My Music both! Ripoff
Ripoff they credited my account before i went through with their deal i cannot "find" this co. Anywhere - Mymusicinc - Mymusicinc ripoff overcharge no avenue for redress

MP3 Rocket - MyMusic
Charges claims to have movie downloads, they are child porn ripoff

My Music - IMusicSearch - My-Free-Music
My Music Inc, IMusicSearch, My-Free-Music, Ezmp3s MP3 Scam - Pay $25 for stuff you can find anywhere else for free! Lehi Utah