Credit Enhancement Services, LLC
Credit Enhancement Services LLC is a ripoff, victimized many consumers by misleading & LYING

Education & Science

I am another victim of this business from Hell! I t all started with a postcard in the mail. The card stated that I could receive a Guaranteed Visa/Mastercard, with a credit limit of $4000.00, for a one time fee of $219.99! My credit had suffered a few years earlier by a pre-mature bankruptcy. Since then my credit had been building very slowly. I figured that if I got a credit card, it would speed my credit up a little.

Anyway, I decided to give CHS a call to ask more questions about the "Guaranteed Approved Visa/Mastercard". The initial phone call was very professional and "too good to be true". I was told that I would receive free trips, cell phone, satellite system and other "goodies", as well. So I decided to give all my personal info., including my bank account # and with whom I had banked with. The $219.99 would be automatically drafted from my checking account.

About 12-14 days passed when the transaction took place... And my headache begun! I waited for two months to receive my... Triple Gold package a.K.A.-mail ordering catalog. There was no sign of a credit card but there was a credit card application! I was scammed and I was sick to my stomach! I called the so-called customer service only to be placed on hold for 45-60 minutes EACH time I called. I was given the run-a-round over and over until they stopped receiving calls.

My money was pick-pocketed from my account and I felt helpless about the the whole matter! I did the wrong thing and let it go without a fight. This was a year ago. Why am I writing now... Because vindication is in the air. Just yesterday, I received a letter from the US Postal Inspection Service.

They informed me that I was not the only one scammed by this crime organization! The president of this company, Frederick Dick, was arrested and charged with Federal mail Fraud and Wire Fraud. I was very pleased to know that this crime boss was caged up like the rat he is.

I just want to apologize, to my fellow consumers, for not doing my part to report these jerks. I want to thank everyone who let their whispers be heard enough that they, eventually with other whispers, became a roaring mob! Thank you and God Bless!

Smyrna, Tennessee

Company: Credit Enhancement Services, LLC
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Farmingdale
Address: PO Box 726
Phone: 8775274653
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Credit Enhancement Services, LLC
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