952-908-4112 I download for and it was 1.97 but, my card was charge 9.94 INTERNET

Education & Science

I called the number 952-908-4112 and told them that an charge for 9.94 was on my card and I dont want it, It was not what i was requesting, he gave me confirmation number and told me it will be refund. So if it does not please let me know what I can do because if they got my card number I hope they wont try to charge something else, and not give me the money back. Thanks

Company: Mc-dr*clickbuilder
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: REG. NET
Phone: 9529084112
  <     >  


ComClickBuilder. Charged debit card after canceling thier service

Platium Benefits Group
Said they were from my bank and have not recived card and they charge me for it and still want to charge me for card i dont have yet and wont refund my money 129.95 ripoff

Brisbane Pty Ltd -
RIP OFF $200 Some Odd Dollars Stolen From Me And I Don't Look At Adult Websites! 19.99 in Nov. Dec. Jan. & Feb. Plus a 79.99 charge in Feb along with 19.99 charge I dont know how it happened an adult website!
Consumer Report

Creative Search Training Wow Clik Money
Charged 129.95 to my credit card without authorization

Amerisuit vacation club
Ripoff they took $960.00 out of my Debit card and promise they will refund but all lie

J2 Global Communications
Bad service

Extra Money Zone
MISTERY SHOPPERS Copletetly Spam! Internet

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