University Of Phoenix - Axia - Western University - Apollo Group
False promises during recuitment, Charged for classes never taken, fraudulent billing, refusal to release transcripts, BUYER BEWARE! Ripoff

Education & Science

I am a former student of UOP / Axia April of after an enrollment advisor called me and made promises stating that if I passed the classes I was scheduled for, I wouldnt have to pay out of pocket for them, I decided to try out UOP / Axia.

What he didnt tell me however, is that after you call them and let them know you will not be continuing your education with them in the next "block" (a 9 week semester) a week before you even finish your first classes, they schedule you for them anyway, then alter notes to make it look like you attended classes and dropped them, consquetially making it "ok" for them to charge you well over 1500 dollars in tuition for classes never taken.

Wait thats not all. Not only did this happen to me, but in addition to all of it, when I called and canceled the classes, an enrollment advisor told me that he would go ahead and cancel classes for me. I thanked him and enrolled in My new college.

After enrolling I requested transcripts from UOP to turn into my Financial aid dept. At the new school, and when I made the call was told that my account was on hold for a previous balance and that my transcripts would not be released until my balance was paid. (mind you this is a few months later) They also informed me that my account was now in collections.

I explained to the person I was speaking with that there must be some kind of mistake and informed her that the second block of classes she spoke of were not only never taken but that I never even knew they had been scheduled. The lady told me that if I felt there was a mistake I would have to send in a letter of discrepancy. I followed her instructions.

The following is the first letter sent to the collections department as well as the financial aid department of my new school:


To: UOP Corporate Collections Center
4615 E. Elwood St.
Phoenix AZ, 85040

From: Stephanie HXXXXXXXX
Covina CA 91724

Subject: Letter of Discrepancy

To Whom It May Concern:

In February I applied for UOP / Axia Online and was told by the enrollment counselor that contacted me, that financial aid would cover my classes so long as I passed them and was not withdrawn or dropped, with this understanding, in April I attended 1 block of classes; COM/120 Effective Persuasive Writing and IT/105 Skills For Learning In An Information Age, and passed both classes with an A-.

1 week before my the ending of those two classes I called my enrollment counselor, Jeremy, and informed him that I would no longer be needing to take any classes because I was planning on attending a local college if a few months. He said he understood and that I wouldnt be scheduled for anymore classes. A few weeks later I received a bill from my financial institution stating that my first installment of 50.00 for my tuition would be due in January.

I never heard anything else from UOP until January when I called to have my transcripts sent to me, so that I may receive financial aid for this semester with Mt SAC. I was informed that my transcripts would cost 27 dollars to have them mailed to me. I was also informed that I had a remaining balance on my account for over 1,000.00. I asked the woman whom I spoke with what this remaining balance was for, she explained that it was due to withdraw from 2 classes. I tried to explain that I had never withdrawn from classes. I was told there was nothing that could be done.

In March I received a notice from my FASFA that stated it is imperative that I have my transcripts from UOP in order to receive money that I need to survive while attending school. So I called, once again, and spoke with Admissions to get my transcripts, I was told that my account had been sent to campus collections and that my transcripts would be held hostage until I pay the remaining balance of the account for classes, mind you I never attended.

I was referred to my financial advisor to try to rectify the situation. I again explained my situation, and was told to call Campus Collections. I called campus collection and was told that I need to submit a letter of discrepancy. So here it is.

In summary, I am being charged for classes that I never scheduled myself for; and in fact, specifically told my counselor I wouldnt be needing 1 week before my first block ended. I am extremely disappointed that it has come to this, the 9 week block that I did attend was a positive experience, and I had no idea that attending your school would affect my education in such a negative way.

Due to having good faith in your school system and taking a couple classes with your school, my educational and financial future has been put in jeopardy. If this matter is not resolved, the mistake is not corrected and my transcripts are not released I will personally let it be known to everyone I know and meet in the future to avoid any school that is connected with UOP / AXIA online, and will be reporting you to BBB as well as writing a long letter to and my local news paper, and shortly after that is done you will be hearing from a lawyer on my behalf.

Again I am sorry that it has come to this, I wish that my experience with your college had been an all around positive one, and I truly hope that this matter can be resolved.



Knowing that I NEEDED my transcripts ASAP and that I didnt want this mistake to effect my credit, my grandmother offered to pay off the debt knowing that I would be fighting tooth and nail to get the deserved refund.
She sent in the check, which promptly brought the blance owed to zero.

After finding out that the check had gone through and that the balance on the account was now zero, I, again, requested my transcripts this time via Mail. I sent a money order for 7 dollars as requested, to the address and attention per the instructions I was given.

Three weeks have gone by, still no transcripts and no word as to whether they received my letter of discrepancy or the transcript request and money order. So I sent via mail this follow up letter:


From: Stephanie HXXXXXXXX
Covina CA 91724

To: UOP Corporate Collections Center
4615 E. Elwood St.
Phoenix AZ, 85040

Subject: Letter of Discrepancy

To Whom It May Concern:

This is a follow up letter concerning the matter of my account that had been mistakenly sent to campus collections and my transcripts that would be held hostage until I pay the remaining balance of the account for classes. I am still waiting to hear from your collection department regarding the status of said letter of discrepancy.

In order that I may receive my transcripts in a timely manner and keep my credit in good standing; I have paid the balance. I am however, still disputing that I owed any money. I am hoping to receive a full refund pending further investigation of this matter.
Thank you for your time in this matter.

Best regards,


One more week goes by, still there is no word from UOP. So I call the financial advisor who tells me there are notes that were taken in july stating that I was having all of these problems with my internet and software. But the funny thing is that all of the problems I had were happening in the first block from the day I started, to the day I checked my final grades, April - June. This is why I found it more convienent to go to a on campus school.

Amazingly dispite the fact that she claimed to have all the records for all the phone conversations right there infront of her, the woman wouldnt tell me what the phone records said for the first block but instead kept reffering to the supposed second block's conversations.

Toward the end of the conversation after being called a liar repeatedly and getting frustrated to the point where I was done with the conversation, she added in the rest of her two cents..."If you knew that there was a mistake, why would you pay?" and then topped it off with "Go ahead and get a lawyer, you'll never win the case."

Has anyone else had this problem? If so lets do something about it. I'm tired of companies stomping on the consumer, just because we trust them with our best interests. Everyone deserves to have services delivered without being conned into financial and academic ruin with false promises of bettering your life.

Pomona, California

Company: University Of Phoenix - Axia - Western University - Apollo Group
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 4615 East Elwood
Phone: 8003669699
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Axia College - Apollo Group - UOP
Worthless School and a Big Scam! Ripoff

University of Phoenix
Will Not Release My Transcripts

University Of Phoenix
Disappointed Student

Apollo Group University Of Phoenix
Huge Rip off, Scam Artists

Axia College Of The University Of Phoenix
Axia College of UOP is a straight rip off

University Of Phoenix
UOP - Axia College - Apollo Group Charged me 717.00 after returing 828.00 to my lender, but told me I needed to get a loan for 1754.00 ripoff

Axia College

Apollo Group - Axia College - University Of Phoenix
The company talked me into attending thier insitution and in my eighth week of taking my classes, they informed me that I would not have enough money to finish

Axia College/western International University/University Of Phoenix
Axia College / western International University / University Of Phoenix I was a guinea pig for Axia College

University of Phoenix
Axia College Please Help! I don't know where else to turn for help. Axia College has been very unfair to me