Suzanne Cumming
Gray Dadd Ripoff Mrs. Cumming ran off with half of my pay after I helped her for 6 mos and she tries to sue me instead a con artists

Education & Science

Had known of this lady and trusted her, at the time I had no reason not to trust her. Just after the death of my son, this lady was in a car accident. I was told by her she was injured and needed me to be her care giver until she got back on her feet. I decided it may be good for me to help another even though it was a sad time for me losing my only son.

I took this lady to all her PT, and doctors appointments weekly sometimes three times a week. I cooked, cleaned and packed her condo up for her mov to Fla. And cared for her elderly husband, took him to get haircuts, and, etc., saw to it they had dinner, lunch and hot meals. I drove her car to all appointments, as she told me she couldn't use her arm or hand to drive. I had no reason not to believe in her. I used my own money for gas. I signed an agreement with her, that I would be her care giver for 2004.. Until she was released from her doctors, I kept track of my hr. And days there. 7 days a week and sometimes ten HR days.

In the contract she and i signed together, she was to pay me ouf of a PIP coverage on her car Ins Plan. I trusted she knew what she was doing. And she mailed and faxed copies to her lawyer... So I thought. I thought she was OK with therapy and recovering. I worked for 6 MOS but... Late Nov. 2004 I was sitting at her kitchen table when she made a comment that absolutely floored me!!! She said, she was milking it for all its worth. There was another lady friend (a nurse) sitting there and just shook her head.

I had worked my hind end off, thinking I was caring for someone who was injured. And I was packing up her entire condo. Although I was emailed by her, after I quite. That she was packing up boxes herself. I wonder how she did that with an injured hand??? I wrote a letter to her lawyer. And in return I get a letter saying I was being sued for thef!!!
I WAS ACCUSED OF STEALING ITEMS FROM HER HOUSE. She had given me little items like a ring, a necklace. But never did I ever steal anything. To save my reputation and good name in this town, i saved an email from her, where she asked me, if I liked the gifts she had given to me? This was the only proof I had that I didn't steal these things she was saying I stole.

She had received a check from her Pip coverage. As mad as I was with her; I took her to get the check so I could be paid. She had me drive her to the bank. A bank where her son worked? He cashed the check and said, mom said you get half and she wants the other half. To help her out in her move to florida... This lady took half and said to me, she would pay me back when she could afford to pay me. SO I TOOK WHAT MONEY SHE GAVE ME.
'she hadn't paid me in mos.

Then i began to get mean calls and emails from her. Which i kept. To clear my name from any wrong doing. I emailed her and faxed my proof hat she was lying to her lawyer to back off or i would take them to court for her fraud, and trying to ruin my good name?

I was followed, mean phone calls, people standing in my driveway, and more and more emails from her. Claiming i took advantage of her and stole her money and she wanted it all back for not caring for her over the mos and causing her to have of all things,, a brain concussion..!!!

With her so called brain concussion, she was able to recall gifts by each name that she had given to me. And she was able to recall my name and on some days she asked, who are you? GET REAL. THIS LADY IS A CON..
She is suing the guy that rear ended her. And i see where her case goes to court in jan. 2008 in laplata md.
A sad thing she will get away with suing an Ins.CO,
She's a real work of art. A con artist. She has several cases where she has sued in the past. So I heard.

I was with her many yrs ago, when we worked for a law enforcement program for youths in our area. We went to a restaurant to get dinner. At a late hr. A drunken man came over to our table and fell upon me! I pushed him off me. And he fell over on her lap. Of course we were upset. But neither one of us was injured. She took it to court to try and sue Denny's restaurant in WALDORF, Md. Wanted no part of that..

She has sued the state for when she was injured by being bitten by insects. While she was walking aorund doing census ifo intake. So the story i was told. She got over 35,000. And even took it to our Senator to have him try and get her more money. She thought she deserved. Of course she was denied. And should have been in the first place. She has been known to hurt herself..

I may not be able to stop her form suing this time, and I dont want her dirty money. She can keep every penny. But mark my words. Beware of Suzanne Cumming on TAMPICO St. Port Saint Lucie Florida. And keep eye out. She still uses a hand brace. And pretends to be injured and still pretends to have mental side effects from her crash. Oh yeah. L she also went around town, told doctors I was her cousin. This is so untrue. I met this lady in 1997 for the first time. And big mistake!!!

I no lober speak to this lady nor want her calling me. I want no part of her life.

Company: Suzanne Cumming
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Port Saint Lucie
Address: Tampico Street
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Still trying to get paid - it's been over 45 days

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