Income Strategies Institute ISI Sid Sperry Rober Kiyosake
Lee Dotson Russ Billings Ryan Cook Waste of time phony seminar all they want is to take your money false promises bogus real esate deals

Education & Science

To All Hard Working American Citizens... Beware

ISI Income Strategies Institute Sid Sperry will rip you off -

What an exhausting week! I just finished 3 days straight of 8 hours a day of lectures at the Income Strategies Institute conference while I worked full time on top of it! With the travel I was getting only 3 hours of sleep a day, but it was worth it. How did I pull off staying awake and alert for so long on such little sleep? Water, caffeine, and a now illegal herbal supplement called Ephedra (which really isn't as dangerous as the FDA would have people believe, but that's another story for another day). Yes, those 3 ingredients kept me going and alert and safe enough to tackle an hour of rush hour I-95 each way on top of everything else. Whew!

So what did I get out of the 3 days at the Income Strategies Institute conference? I got to learn the basics of several techniques I can further pursue that will make money without having a job. I learned about trading options, covered calls, pre-foreclosures, credit boosting techniques, technical analysis, candlestick charts, moving averages, tax liens (I already knew about tax liens), and mortgage sweep accounts. I got to meet a lot of success-minded local people that are looking to start an investment club.

I got to take a lot of notes. I got to learn many new things to me, and a re-cap on some things I already knew. I got to get my brain cells activated in areas that have been dormant since college. I got to sit through an awful sales pitch for a real stinker of a real estate deal by the president of the company Sid Sperry (that was the only low point of the whole conference). I got to drink a lot of water (that was all they provided). I got to be motivated and energized by the amazing Russ Anderson (look up PRUSSA on youtube to see his weight-lifting feats). I got to pick the brain of the knowledgeable Lee Dotson. I got to be bored to tears by the sales pitch Sid Sperry gave and angered that my valuable time was being wasted by him.

Gee, is that what I paid $50 for? For the privelege of allowing you to pitch this mongo rip-off real estate deal and waste my time in the process? I got the oppurtunity to meet some very nice people and possible make a new friend or two. I got to watch as some very green people got ripped off.

Why do I say ripped-off? Because as long as this conference was, it was only an introductory class for each of the subjects. To get really in depth they recommend that you purchase a class or two or three or heck, what about all ten? The classes, about 40 length a piece, are held online (no overhead) and cost a whopping $5000.00 a class. To start trading options you really need 3 classes. Well, I really don't think most people there had that kind of money to just throw away, but a few of them obviously did.

There are a lot of resources online where you can learn these things for free. How about books? I just picked up 2 books on options (gently used) for a dollar each. What about your public library or your local college library? What about investment clubs?

Why didn't anybody do any research into these other ways of learning before plopping down big money? Seminar hype? Peer pressure? No time? Low blood sugar from no food? Exhaustion from the long days? The speeches about flying with eagles and leaving the turkeys on the ground? One nurse that I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of plopped down $30,000.00 to buy all the classes. What if she takes one class and finds out it's not quality instruction or it's not for her and she decides she doesn't want it? Will she get her money back? No. No guarantees at all on the classes.

You know, when I go to buy a car, I test drive it first. I research makes and models on the internet. I look at all the ads. I test drive a lot of them. I dicker with the seller. I research and try to get the best deal. Don't most people? But in a situation like this you are not given the time to do your due dilligence, and after hearing all these speeches about getting off your butt and making a change, Einstein's definition of insanity, eagles and turkeys and jealous family members trying to hold you back, procrastination, being in the 97% percentile of retirees that are broke, most likely they feel that if they don't do something now to change their future, they never will. That's probably why the nurse dumped 30 grand without blinking an eye.

To the rest of the people out there with more money than sense: if someone offers to hook you up on this amazing real estate deal and it's for you only (because you are a student) and you need to hurry up and jump on it fast because it's selling quick, and they have no pictures of the units, nor blueprints, and they have no pictures of the development and they cannot even tell you if it is constructed of wood or CBS (maybe in this case it was paper bags), but they have lots of pictures of the surrounding area (Dominican Republic) and they have a legal disclaimer that the presenter goes through so fast, it doesn't even sound like English, but they can sell you the remaining units for $125,000.00 each, and when someone in the audience knows the area in question and pipes up and says, Hey, that's not right next to Donald Trump's new development like you said, it's in a town 30 miles away. Then it's time to keep your wallet shut and your ears open.

ISI Income Strategies Institute Sid Sperry will rip you off -

A very concerned hardworking citizen
Posted for a friend

Company: Income Strategies Institute ISI Sid Sperry Rober Kiyosake
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Provo
Address: 4692 North 300 West, Suite 250, Provo, UT 84604
Phone: 8012210535
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Income Strategies Institute ISI Sid Sperry Rober Kiyosake
Lee Dotson Russ Billings Ryan Cook Waste of time phony seminar all they want is to take your money false promises bogus real esate deals

Sid Sperry ISI Income Strategies Institute
Sid Sperry Scumbag Liar Real Estate Ripoff Mogul Watch Out He Will Take Your Money!

Lee Dotson ISI Income Strategies Institute
Lee Dotson ISI Front Man Henchman Lee Dotson Frontman Henchman for Income Strategies Institute New York

Income Strategies Institute
ISI - Isifx - Sid Sperry Real Estate Seminar Scam $30,000 bogus promise ripoff scam mafia hengemen control seminar threaten physical abuse ripoff

Income Strategies Institute
Misrepresents What They Can Deliver and Sell Credit Card Accounts to Pay for the $, 000 to $33,000 Classes that Small individuals Can't Afford Ripoff

Income Strategies Institue (ISI)
Income Strategies Institue, ISI - Watch out for Income Strategies Institute (ISI). False advertisement, Misleading Sales Representation and Bait and Switch are what all ISI about

Income Stategies Institute
Typical bait and switch scammers with very good salesman to get the job done

Income Strategies Institute Aka ISI
Income Strategies Institute misrepresented themselves—didn't deliver what they promised—ask for more money to give you what they promised for the original astronomical costs!

Income Strategies Institute & H B Products
Bogus charges to my account by HBProducts a closely associated company to Income Strategies Institute. I never even heard of HB Products till they showed up on my checking account statement

Focus On Foreclosures, wealth Intelligence Network, cash Flow Generator, income Strategies Institute
Focus On Foreclosures Wealth Intelligence Network, cash Flow Generator, income Strategies Institute ripoff, cash flow generato