Air Flow Technologies Valley Air Filtration
Filterqueen Filter Queen HMI Industries Healthmor Health Mor Heath-Mor ripoff

Education & Science

I want to warn you of a company that ripped off an old, mentally handicapped lady here in the Sacramento, CA area. They are called Air Flow Technologies but changed to Valley Air Filtration due to bad publicity stemming from this incident. They sell expensive vacuum cleaners and air filtration devices that cost 1000s of dollars. To make a long story short she initially refuse to buy their products but their sales reps refuse to take no for an answer and manipulated her to buying their Majestic vacuum cleaner and Defender air filtration device even though she didn't really agree and couldn't afford it.

Well it took a TV news story to convince the company to refund her money. But however they lied to the news station. The owner of the company Alecia Jackson said she is the new business owner. FACT: She has always owned the company. She also said the sales rep was not an employee but an independent contractor. FACT: All their sales reps are considered independent contractors, that way they won't have to pay benefits. Here's a link to the news story

I talked to many people here in the Sacramento area who had experiences with this dishonest company and they all said that the owners and managers refuse to take nos for an answer and will keep hustling you until you give in and pester you with their sales reps throught the cell phone. Plus their products are not worth their price.

Company: Air Flow Technologies Valley Air Filtration
Country: USA
State: California
City: Rancho Cordova
Address: 11315 Sunrise Gold Cir Ste G
Phone: 9163612400
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Micron Filtration Technologies Inc
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Health-Mor - Filter Queen - Micron Filtration
Ripoff dishonest pushy aggressive rude harassing overprice immortal Filtration Scam Artists

American Filtration
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Covenant Filtration Systems
Is more than a rip-off

HMI, HMI Industries, Filter Queen, Filterqueen, Healthmor
Health-Mor This product is WORTHLESS!

USA Filtration
Consumer Report

Sound Filtration
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Sound Filtration Technologies
And all other affiliates scam-con artists! Rip-off!

Micron Filtration Technologies Inc
Dishonest Quotes and Failed to provide financial agreement at time of sale

Zero Water Filtration Pitcher System
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