Pro Seal, Tactica International
Rip off dishonest fraudulent nonresponsive to attorney generals demands even after 2 request to refund $ ny

Education & Science

I ordered Pro Seal after watching infomercial. When I recieved the product and the bill it was more than I ordered. I contacted them and they told me to return the product at my expense and they would refund my money when they recieved the product. That was in Feb. 2006

I contacted the NY Attorney General and they have contacted the company 2 times and both times they were promised in writing that the refund was forthcoming. Now in May I have not received anything but a promise to pay.

The Attorney General needs to close them down and charge them for deceptive business practrices.

Company: Pro Seal, Tactica International
Country: USA
State: New York
Address: 889 WAVERLY AVE
Phone: 8007169658
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Pro Seal
Ripoff dishonest no refunds after 3 months liars

Proseal - Pro Seal
Pro Seal Ripoff speaking to supervisors is a joke

Pro Seal
I ordered Pro Seal on March 20th product never arived and a refund was never given, dispite many phone calls

RIPOFF FRAUDULENT, Screw The American Consumer, Lie to your face Dishonest Company

Criminal company stole $371.00 from me-fraudulent business practices

SAS Group, Inc. - Awesome Auger
Awesome Auger Not charging me for two sets of Awesome Augers and not having to return products to company after the SAS Group was contacted by the New York Attorney General

Pro Seal
Fraudulent, refused to send promised product, contacted them 3 times since April, shipment was promised but never received, now unable to contact anyone at the company ripoff

International Resort Solutions
International Resort Finance NOT an eithical company

MemberWorks - MWI
MemberWorks Inc., Aka MWI scam, possible ID fraud

Attorney General Of Missouri -Jay Nixon
Attorney General Of Missouri - Jay Nixon ripoff weak useless pass the buck blind