National Magazine Exchange
Magazine Ripoff

Education & Science

I got an "official Notiication" letter with Better Homes and Gardens on the front. I subscribe online to this magazine so I called the number and was pummelled by a 45 minute barrage of not taking no and I'm not interested for an answer. I should have hung up the phone.

They conned me out of my debit card number, just so I could get off the phone. I told them there was no money in my account, they insisted there was. Needless to say, my bills bounced.

I called them the very next morning at 9 am. Told them to cancel everything, I wasn't interested, I wanted my card credited immediately, they continued to try to talk me into keeping the magazine trial and just "look them over. I asked him what part of no do you not get! I don't understand how these people get away with scamming the elderly and people like me. I told them right off the bat, I have no use for magazines, I have no money, my home burned down and I'm living in a Hotel. It didn't phase them. Only in America!

Company: National Magazine Exchange
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 16120 US Highway 19 N
Phone: 8887904463
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National Magazine Exchange - NME
Magazine selections

National Magazine Exchange - NME
National Magazine Exchange (NME) rip-off! Dishonest

NME - National Magazine Exchange From CLearwater Florida
They been take money out of my bank account. When i called them and told why are they takeing money from when i don't have any magazine from them they keep tell me it takes 6 weeks for tht magazine to

National Magazine Exchange
They sent me a bill for $154.44 when I said I didn't want the Magazine and I don't even have not one magazine How is someone going to send a bill to someone that don't want the magazine and don't have not even one of the magazine

National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff Extreme high pressure by them to try to get me to subscribe to several magazines. I informed the lady that I did not want any magazine subscription. She asked me in four different ways about subscribing

National Magazine Exchange
Or N.M.E. Ripoff: Unathorized transaction, needs to seriously get busted

National Magazine Exchange
They don't hear me

National Magazine Exchange
Rips off consumers by false collection allegations Ripoff

National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff n.M.E. North clearwater, fl 33764 internet

National Magazine Exchange