Long Distance Unlimited FRAUDULENT BILLING They took my money without my consent! NO Service is provided ripoff

Education & Science

Apparently EZ1Rate.com got a hold of my banking Info. I would sure like to to know HOW! They charged $49.90 to my debit account without authorization! This company sells unlimited long distance telephone service. It's ABSURD to think that I would have aggreed to thier services when I already get umlimited local AND longdistance with my home and current cell phone providers. HOW THE HELL DID THESE PEOPLE GET MY INFO AND WHAT MAKES IT OK FOR THEM TO JUST TAKE MONEY OUT WITHOUT CONSENT! This is for me a FRIGHTENING issue! This one little deduction has consted me an additional $60.00 in NSF charges! What can I do?

Saint Paul, Minnesota

Company: EZ1Rate
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Address: 2050 Russet Way, Suite 151
Phone: 8009238939
  <     >  


Update on company Phoenix?

Ripoff deceptive, fraudulent, inept local phone service scam Nationwide

AT&T Phone / MCI Long Distance Service
Charged twice for 2 long-distance providers!

Headwind Media Inc CMI Exclusive MO Fee
CMI Ripped me off through my phone bill as a third party billing. I have no idea who they are or what they do but I sure know I did not subscribe to anything by this name

Will get your info{credit card# and sell the crap out of it and take your $!

Illegal use of credit information procured from an affiliate

Long Distance Access
Bill for long distance calls

Usbi Telephone
Long-distance rip-off provide

Scams customers ripoff

IDL Services
They billed my home phone for long distance & I already have it through VERIZON!