Central Ohio Technical College In Newark, Ohio Peace Officer's Training Program Causes Paralysis in Both Arms ripoff

Education & Science

I enrolled for the Peace Officer's Training Program at CENTRAL OHIO TECHNICAL COLLEGE in Newark, Ohio in Jan.

The instructors were getting the students involved with inappropriate training which included turning out all of the lights in our class and having the students attack each other.

I was a former Deputy Sheriff and we never had this type of dangerous training in the Sheriff's Academy.

Students were getting hurt in the classes, one had to have an ambulance called for a broken collarbone.

I ended up with both arms paralyzed. I informed the school what had happened to me and their attorney wrote me a letter that stated they were not responsible. Then I received a bill for the classes. The bill is currently on my credit report.

Three years later I am still having pain in both arms, though they are not back to normal I can function most of the time.

I contacted an attorney when I was able to use my arms and the limit for filing a lawsuit was 2 years, so I could not file anything.

I believe the school should cancel the charges for my class, pay my student loans, and pay me for my doctor bills along with pain and suffering.

The pain was so severe it felt as though I was having labor pains in both arms.

I have suffered greatly because our instructors wanted to be "macho" instead of teaching our courses in a safe manner. I would encourage anyone who wants to take the Peace Officer's Training Course in Ohio not to go to COTC in Newark, Ohio. Unless you want to be injured with no consideration at all from the administration at the college.

Company: Cotc
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Newark
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