Usa Benefits
This remove $20.00 from my account

Education & Science

On 01/10 there was a tranaction made for a fund adjustment. I do not know the name of the company. I have my credit card investgating this matter. I only what to know what or who is this company is because I plan to sue.By this tranaction my account has been in the negivate state.

Company: Usa Benefits
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Go back my money

ADP TotalPay Card
Rude, refused to give me information, refused to give the company's name of owner or take my information to send me a report form, hung up on me, said I made a withdrawn and I did not

Web Host
Consumer Report

PayPal - Icash
PayPal Robbed me of all my money ripoff

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report
Charges inappropriate tranaction fees - a fee for each ticket in one tranaction

Edp Reporting - Mastercard Acclaim
Ripoff they debitted my checking account 159.95 that i didn't allow

Handyman Club of America
They do NOT live up to their promises

Desert Dove Contracting
Failure to pay subcontractors, deceiving homeowners Arizona