Shopping Essentials Ap9
Rip off artists also beware of pyramid collection online as this is where they got my credit card numbe

Education & Science

I noticed a charge on my statement for ap9 shopping essentials for 9.95 per month. I didn't know what this was and there was a phone number as part of the line item so I called. I asked what this company did and when I signed up with them. They told me it was a discount shopping service and that I had signed up when I placed an on line order with The PYRAMID COLLECTION. I stated I had never signed for this and I wanted it stopped now. Do not shop with the Pyramid Collection and there must some way to put these crooks behind bars.

Company: Shopping Essentials Ap9
Country: USA
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Shopping Essential
Fraudulent bulling

Passport To Fun, Pyramid Collection
Passport To Fun, Bought a bracelet and got a scam!

Shopping Essentials
Unauthorized access to my checking account-Beware! Internet U.S.A

Shopping Essentials
Bogus company who steals credit card info i think

Pyramid Collection
Giving CC numbers to Second Parties

Shopping Essentials Plus / AP9*ShoppingEssential
Trap, disguise, and unauthorized monthly charges

AP9 Shopping Essentials
Shopping on line, subscribing to a magazine on line newsletter, etc. Check the confirm address email for potential rip-off sign-ups Norwalk, Connecticut

Shopping Essentials
Shopping Essentials Potpourri Potpourri gift Bought gift from Potpourri and Shopping Essentials Ripped my Visa for 4 months withdrawing unauthorized amounts of $9.99 Ripoff

Shopping Essentials - Classmates
Shopping Essentials Classmates Classmates' participation in Shopping Essentials Fraud

Vita Cost
Checking account number given to shopping essentials for membership that was not authorized by me! Ripoff