My Clean Start
Unauthorized/pop up website/closed the website but they debited my account

Education & Science

My Clean Start Inc has debited my account without my consent for the amount of $49.95 (see front and back of the check they used). On 11/10/07 and 11/11/07 I
was on the internet searching and applied for credit with a company and few websites were popping up. I deleted every single one and never signed up for
any of them.

On 11/12/07, I looked at my account checking account though Farmers Credit Union and noticed a debit for the above amount. When I called, My Clean Start Inc at
(888) 244-2863 the first person I spoke with was Glenda (Customer Service Agent) she stated to me that they could not refund my stolen money until I completed
the refund form (please see attached).

When I explained to them, that I did not sign up for this and I wanted my money reverse today, she said no, you must complete the form and mail it to the address on the form. I went back and forth with her and she still continued to say no, I must complete the form because it
needs a signature.

What I don't understand they did not need a signature to steal my money. I gave her the option of letting me fax the form and she continued to say no. Since Glenda and I weren't getting anywhere, I asked to speak to a manager. She found Liz a supervisor because the manager was not in yet. Liz and I did not agree about the refund and she gave me the same speech, Glenda gave me.

I did not apply for My Clean Start Inc and have really have, no ideal what kind of company it is. All I know is they went into my account and stated how I
authorized this. I know you can search to see all the websites I've been on and see how that I did apply for this however, I was on a different website (s) and
that just popped up and how I just deleted that.

I mailed the form in to My Clean Start Inc (certified) and also faxed it to (386) 736-3882 I want the money back into my account today. I have also, enclosed all the check, form, and letter that I sent to them as well.

Company: My Clean Start
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deland
Address: 2607 South Woodland Boulevard #118
Phone: 8882442863
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